Labor Day is Your Day of Celebration!

Our union wishes you a joyous, safe, and memorable Labor Day weekend! This is your holiday; Together, we will celebrate the fruits of our labor and the work you do that truly Makes Minnesota Happen and all of our communities!

Created in 1894, Labor Day is a federal holiday that is dedicated to working people who keep our communities functioning properly, contributing to our economy, and ensuring our democracy is strong.

A recent poll shows Americans' approval of labor unions at 71% - the highest approval since 1965! In Minnesota, we have the highest level of union membership in nearly 15 years and approximately 17% of workers in Minnesota are represented by a union.

Approval of labor unions is at its highest in nearly 60 years because YOU are the ones who keep our communities safe, healthy and thriving - you do your jobs with excellence and diligence, every single day.

Union membership ensures you can:

  • Collectively bargain to increase your wages and improve your benefits
  • Access health care that you can depend on
  • Raise your voice in the workplace
  • Retire with dignity with a defined-benefit pension
  • Access strong due process rights and not be fired without just cause by a bad manager

Workers are clamoring to join our AFSCME Council 5 Family!

  • Minnesota Historical Society - nearly 300 workers joined our union from MnHS from across Minnesota. They are currently negotiating their first contract!
  • Cornerstone - nearly 70 workers at this non-profit advocacy organization who support survivors of domestic violence, human trafficking, and other crimes, joined our union family!
  • More than 200 new members joined our family after our union's campaign to ensure workers know that is was OUR UNION and our coalition that fought for and secured Frontline Worker Pay!

And so many more workers are actively working with us right now to join our labor union movement and improve their lives.

Labor Day not only marks the unofficial end of summer, but it signifies the start of the school year, the kick off to the political season, and a reminder that winter is coming around the corner. Together, we must always stand up and fight to ensure our members' voices are truly heard in our workplaces, communities, and in the halls of power -and that requires electing pro-worker candidates, being visible in our communities and holding employers and elected officials accountable. This isn't about political party or ideology, this is about who supports workers and who does not. And your union WILL ALWAYS fight for you.

Our union of 43,000 working people wishes you a happy and joyous Labor Day weekend! Every day, we are grateful to work alongside you in the pursuit of our goals and objectives to improve the lives of all working people and our loved ones. We are strong because of you.

In solidarity, 

Julie Bleyhl
Executive Director
AFSCME Council 5