Duluth Schools (ISD #709) - Food Service Employees | Local 66 | 2023-2025 Contract |
Duluth Schools (ISD #709) - Paraprofessionals | Local 66 | 2023-2025 Contract |
Hermantown Schools (ISD #700) - Transportation Employees | Local 66 | 2022-2024 Contract |
Lake Superior Schools (ISD #381) - Administrative Assistants | Local 66 | 2023-2025 Contract |
Lake Superior Schools (ISD #381) - Educational Assistants | Local 66 | 2023-2025 Contract |
Minnetrista (ISD #277) - Educational Office Employees | Local 2013 | 2024-2026 Contract |
Minneapolis Board of Education - Clerical, Confidential, Technical and Student Support Specialist Un | Local 56 | 2021-2024 Contract |
Proctor Schools (ISD #704) - Bus Drivers | Local 66 | 2023-2025 Contract |
Proctor Schools (ISD #704) - Master Agreement | Local 66 | 2023-2025 Contract
Robbinsdale Schools (ISD #281) | Local 499 | 2023-2025 Contract |
Roseville Schools (ISD #623) - Clerical Unit | Local 1129 | 2024-2026 Contract |
Roseville Schools (ISD #623) - Cultural Liaisons | Local 1129 | 2021-2023 Contract |
Roseville Schools (ISD #623) - Paraprofessional Unit | Local 1129 | 2024-2026 Contract |
St. Paul Schools (ISD #625) - Clerical & Technical Workers | Local 844 | 2022-2024 Contract |