Local 3688 Officers/E-Board Members

Local 3688 Officers 
Clerical, Administrative, Technical, and Guardians Ad Litem

President - Karol Bennett, Courts, 4th District 612-251-4058, [email protected], or [email protected]

Vice President - Kim Murden, Courts 10th District 763-290-7020,, [email protected]

Vice President - Deb BestGAL, 2nd District 651-895-3087, [email protected]

Recording Secretary -  Kerri Gunnerson, Courts 10th District,  [email protected]

Treasurer - Brian Jewett, Courts 4th District, 612-512-7138, [email protected]

Download our printable list.

Executive Board Members

Joni Reyes, Courts 10th District 763-760-6306, [email protected]

Stacie Rademacher, Courts 10th District 763-760-6319, [email protected]

Sherri Smith, GAL 5th District 507-220-5537, [email protected]

Kelly Motzko, GAL 4th District [email protected]

Rebekah Dunnette, Courts 4th District 612-644-1221, [email protected]

Jackie Cardinal, GAL 4th 763-443-0139, [email protected]

AFSCME Field Rep

Dane Ryan , AFSCME Council 5, [email protected], 612-619-6326

State Employee Policy Committee/State Insurance Representative

Karol Bennett, Courts 4th District [email protected]

New Member Chair

Local 3688 Officers 
Clerical, Administrative, Technical, and Guardians Ad Litem

President - Karol Bennett, Courts, 4th District 612-251-4058, [email protected], or [email protected]

Vice President - Kim Murden, Courts 10th District 763-290-7020,, [email protected]

Vice President - Deb BestGAL, 2nd District 651-895-3087, [email protected]

Recording Secretary -  Kerri Gunnerson, Courts 10th District,  [email protected]

Treasurer - Brian Jewett, Courts 4th District, 612-512-7138, [email protected]

Executive Board Members

Joni Reyes, Courts 10th District 763-760-6306, [email protected]

Stacie Rademacher, Courts 10th District 763-760-6319, [email protected]

Sherri Smith, GAL 5th District 507-220-5537, [email protected]

Kelly Motzko, GAL 4th District [email protected]

Rebekah Dunnette, Courts 4th District 612-644-1221, [email protected]

Jackie Cardinal, GAL 4th 763-443-0139, [email protected]

AFSCME Field Rep

Dane Ryan , AFSCME Council 5, [email protected], 612-619-6326

State Employee Policy Committee/State Insurance Representative

Karol Bennett, Courts 4th District [email protected]

New Member Chair

Joni Reyes, Courts 10th District [email protected]

Good & Welfare

Megan Eudy, Courts 6thDistrict [email protected]


Michele Struthers, Courts 4th District 463-443-8284, [email protected]

Stacie Rademacher, Courts 10th District 763-760-6319,  [email protected]

Tarah Hill, Courts 10th District 651-213-7010 ext 113035, [email protected]

Joni Reyes, Courts 10th District [email protected]

Good & Welfare

Megan Eudy, Courts 6thDistrict [email protected]


Michele Struthers, Courts 4th District 463-443-8284, [email protected]

Stacie Rademacher, Courts 10th District 763-760-6319,  [email protected]

Tarah Hill, Courts 10th District 651-213-7010 ext 113035, [email protected]