Our union contract is a collective bargaining agreement between the union and MNHS management. The current contract runs from May 2023 to June 2026. This is our first contract, and though it did not win everything we hoped for, we believe our contract gives us a strong foundation with processes and language to seek more. You can read it below:
Here is a document summarizing the top five gains of the contract:

One of the big things that changed with this contract is how wages are calculated. Now that we have the contract, most employees' wages are determined by where they fall on the wage grid. Wages are determined by job classification, years of service, and the calendar year:

Prior to the finalization of the contract, some employees were being compensated at a rate that was higher than where they would have fallen on the wage grid. While their pay has not decreased, they are not currently scheduled to receive any increases in compensation to offset the rising cost of living. You can sign our petition asking that these off-the-grid employees receive cost of compensation adjustments to their wages and or receive a lump sum payment equivalent to the annualized percentage increase as was the previous practice.
One of the contract's wins was raising the base pay to $18 an hour. This is an especially big boost for staff such as beginning reference assistants, sales assistants, and interpreters, who were making between $14.01 to $14.71 an hour before the contract. You can see an infographic of what average wages looked like prior to bargaining for our first contract:
mnhs-salary-data-2022.pdf (119.4 KB)