When: Thursday, May 28, 2020, 12:00pm - 1:00pm

via Zoom (EMAIL [email protected] FOR ACCESS)

Special Membership Meeting for Nominations & Elections

Thursday, May 28th | 12:00pm | via Zoom (EMAIL [email protected] FOR ACCESS)

There will be a special membership meeting on Thursday, May 28, 2020 beginning at noon via zoom with the sole purpose of taking nominations for local 3800 officers and executive board members and AFSCME International Convention delegates. In order to comply with social distancing and the reduced operations directive at the University, we will be conducting nominations electronically and, if needed, elections will be conducted via mail. 

If you wish to be nominated as an officer, executive board member or convention delegate, please be present at the nominating meeting or please supply a note to that effect. Questions? Email Kyle Edwards, Chair of the Local 3800 elections committee at[email protected]u or leave a message at 612-379-3918 to be called back.​​