Even though big corporations and big money led to an anti-worker Supreme Court decision, the Janus case isn’t stopping workers or their unions.
Minnesota public workers aren’t just joining AFSCME Council 5, they’re joining PEOPLE or upping their contributions to help fight the powerful forces trying to silence workers. A dozen workers joined PEOPLE at one picnic alone at the Minneapolis Veterans Home Wednesday.

Local 744 member Fatmata Turay signed a PEOPLE card to create more power for workers to ensure we have a voice.
Multiply that across our state and nation, and you start to sense the groundswell that’s occurring in support of unions, our power in numbers, and our freedom to join together to create better workplaces and communities.
Fatmata Turay, who’s worked at the Vets Home doing general maintenance for 12 years, explains why.
“When you join PEOPLE, there will be more power to help the people so they have a voice,” the Local 744 member says. “If my money can help elect government officials who will help workers, it would be fantastic for us. We’re praying so God can change it around.

Leon Visperas proudly holds his new PEOPLE jacket.
“It’s very good for us to have a union,” Turay adds. “Sometimes, the advantage can be too much for management. If a union is there, they speak out for us and protect our jobs, too.”
Her fellow maintenance worker and AFSCME member, Leon Visperas, also joined PEOPLE.
“It’s important to elect people who help workers,” he says, holding his new green PEOPLE jacket close to his chest.