
Stacy Lamke, Vice President and Chief Steward of Local 1574 in the Brainerd area, has been actively involved in the AFSCME Mental Health Summits that Council 5 members organized and led. Her work at the Minnesotans at the Department of Human Services gives her a unique perspective into our current mental health system and the need for modernization and critical investments.

May 30, 2020- This morning, Governor Tim Walz, Saint Paul Mayor Melvin Carter, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and Department of Public Safety Commissioner John Harrington provided an update on the arrests made in last night's protests. Inclusion, equity, fairness, morality, and justice for all are values we must always fight for.

AFSCME Council 5 honors the life of George Floyd and extends our deepest condolences and solidarity to the family and loved ones of George Floyd. We mourn with you and all people affected by tragedies like these. 

“The murder of George Floyd is an absolute tragedy and should never have happened. Do not become numb or blind to injustice. We must stand together with all of our neighbors and reject discrimination, hate, and prejudice in all its forms,” said AFSCME Council 5 Executive Director Julie Bleyhl. 

To be clear from the top: Our state employee contracts have been declared ratified and will be implemented, along with the 2nd year 2.5% cost of living increase beginning July 1, 2020 as we fought so hard for! 

Working people have always been at the heart of our economy and must be at the center of the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

To ensure this -AFSCME Council 5 has released our plan for employers in the case of re-opening businesses or continuing operations to protect workers and our communities. 

AFSCME Council 5 Executive Director Julie Bleyhl has released the following statement:

Our union continues to fight for critical investments and policy reforms that all of us benefit from. We as a union are focused on the financial, emotional, and physical well-being of our members and work every day to carry their concerns with us in our work with members in workplaces, communities, and in the halls of power.