Fighting Anti-Worker Extremists and their Billionaire Buddies

Anti-union extremists and their billionaire buddies are pushing devastating budget cuts that will have terrible consequences. These reckless cuts will harm working families and retirees, damage our communities, and threaten our members' jobs and livelihoods. Our union is fighting back; Fighting to protect and defend our union members and our communities. We've filed lawsuits to protect our members' data, Social Security, and so much more.

You may be asking, "How Can I Help?". Here is how!

First, you can sign up starting now to join us for our AFSCME Day on the Hill at This event will be held on April 1, 2025 right here in St. Paul and is a great way for us to make a powerful impact here in Minnesota.

Second, the U.S. House will take up their budget again TODAY. We encourage you to talk to your fellow union members and coworkers on what federal budget cuts will mean for AFSCME members and the communities we serve. Their plan is to cut $2 trillion of public services and public employees so they can fund tax cuts for the rich and large corporations.

While they cut public services and health care, the President signed an Executive Order to enable the federal government to start contracting with private prison companies again, and their stock value has increased exponentially as a result. So while they propose massive cuts to public services and workers who serve the public, they are directly benefitting private prison companies, billionaires, and others. We need your help to push back.

Our union has launched AFSCME GO, which stands for AFSCME 'GET ORGANIZED'. This is our renewed and reinvigorated plan to fight back against these anti-worker extremists and their billionaire buddies.

We've prepared some materials and a CALL TO ACTION

Stay Union Strong! Thank you!

In solidarity, 

Bart Andersen
Executive Director
AFSCME Council 5