Questions put to any State MMB-HR staff, about any workplace related inquiry, always gets a professional, accurate and confidential answer. Definitely very accurate when just talking, but bear in mind, in HR offices, when there has to be any real kind of doing, the employer's interests rarely fall second to employee's interests.
When the same question to 'HR' is asked by either a member or a non-member, and put to sworn Local union or Council officers, this union-after-HR order of asking always determines fewer options will be possible for upholding an employee's interests.
The State AFSCME contract states when wrongs float, stay up in undocumented limbo, remain secret and unfiled formally for more than 21 days, on day 22 that employee forfeits timely representation to make their wrong right. Contract says after three weeks employee contract rights in grievances evaporate. Gone, like smoke. It's on grievants to inform this Local to avoid this deadline - or else.
Local 695 contacts and trained stewards are spread across the 10,000 square mile area of MnDOT District 1A in Northeastern Minnesota. At contract and other hectic times, only one authorized staff person from Council 5 Field Representative covers all of Northern Minnesota. Covering this large area poses as much challenge to the Local as it does HR in hiring, orientating, training and placing qualified workers in positions.
As most applicants will not commute a great distance from home, long distances to attend member meetings also daunts and vexes members, becomes an excuse to sever membership. The Local fully understands this and those members who do show at meetings are eligible for very generous attendance awards and travel reimbursement rates that Local policy constantly adjusts.
Members are advised to seek, find, meet and personally know face-to-face who currently can serve as their genuine, Local-approved and AFSCME-trained steward, as well as area or shop contacts. Faces may be the same does that previously tested and reliable steward still serve with AFSCME? Volunteer contact persons and current elected officials are listed on Local 695’s shingle posted on worksite Union bulletin boards. Voice-call or SMS (texting) contact info (for daytime working hours) is on record (accessed via member account login) at
Council 5 call desk:
SSP-C5-MAC 651-450-4990, (1-800-652-9791)
Hermantown-C5-NE: 218-722-0577 (forwards to SSP-C5-MAC)
The State Electronic Device policy 1438 makes abundantly clear anyone who does a contact with personal devices on state networks, or on any state device, must agree they understand doing so they totally forfeit of any expectation of privacy.