A message for AFSCME 3800 President, Cherrene Horazuk
Dear coworkers and fellow AFSCME members:
My heart breaks for my coworkers, my fellow union members, my neighbors who watched the video of Mr. Floyd being killed, and heard their own children's voices when he was calling for his mother with his dying breath. My heart breaks for my coworkers, my fellow union members, my neighbors who have to explain to their young children why the police want to kill them not protect them. My heart breaks for my coworkers, my fellow union members, my neighbors who live in fear when their husbands or sons or brothers are late returning home because this may have been the time they were pulled over and didn't survive. My heart breaks for my coworkers, my fellow union members, my neighbors who are trying desperately to keep their children safe as they rise up against this racist system that says their lives don't matter.
My heart breaks and my soul rages. And so I will join others in taking action for Justice for George Floyd because justice for him means a step towards justice for my coworkers, union family, and neighbors who have so long been denied their humanity. As Civil Rights leader Ella Baker said, "Until the killing of black men, black mothers' sons, becomes as important to the rest of the country as the killing of a white mother's son, we who believe in freedom cannot rest until this happens.”
I especially want to call upon my white coworkers and union members to take action. It is not enough for us to weep at the injustice and horror as we watch the video of George Floyd being killed. Now is the time to act.
We will be sharing information on protests that our members can safely participate in. We are also working to determine ways we can provide support and resources for community members in need. I know there are efforts under way to ensure food and medicine delivery for elders and others. Because the situation is very fluid, we will have the most up to date information on our facebook page.
To our members who live in South Minneapolis, please stay safe, hold your loved ones close, and let me know if you or your family members are in need of support.
An injury to one is an injury to all.
Justice for George Floyd!
This is another heartbreaking day in America. AFSCME 3800 stands in solidarity with the family, friends, and loved ones of George Floyd, with the Black community, and with everyone demanding police accountability and justice.
WHEREAS on May 25, 2020 a white Minneapolis police officer killed 46 year old George Floyd by kneeling on his neck for eight minutes while he pleaded to be allowed to breathe, and
WHEREAS three other police officers assisted in restraining George Floyd while he was being killed, or spewed anti-black and war-on-drugs rhetoric, or stood by and did nothing, and
WHEREAS the Black community repeatedly faces the deaths of loved ones at the hands of the police, and
WHEREAS the core principle of the labor movement – “An Injury to One is An Injury to All” – requires all working people of conscience to take a stand for justice;
THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED that AFSCME 3800 offers our deepest sympathy to, and stands in solidarity with, the family of George Floyd and the entire community.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that AFSCME 3800 calls for the immediate arrest and vigorous prosecution of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd. We further call for the immediate arrest and vigorous prosecution of officers Thomas Lane, Tou Thao, and J. Alexander Keung for aiding and abetting the murder of George Floyd.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that AFSCME 3800 calls for an immediate de-escalation by police and an end to police violence against protesters.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that AFSCME 3800 supports President Gabel’s decision to sever the University of Minnesota’s contracts with the MPD and we call upon other institutions to likewise disassociate.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that AFSCME 3800 calls for immediate and ongoing community oversight of the Minneapolis Police Department.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that AFSCME 3800 calls for a thoroughgoing review of law enforcement policies and practices by federal, state, and local authorities, followed by concrete and systemic reforms to ensure that all people in our society are granted equal treatment by law enforcement and criminal justice systems, regardless of the color of their skin.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that AFSCME 3800 calls for an end to systemic racist police terror and the murder of black and brown people in our communities.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that AFSCME 3800 will mobilize our members to safely participate in or otherwise support actions called for by those seeking Justice for George Floyd.