When: Thursday, Jul 2, 2020, 1:00pm - 2:00pm

2nd Town Hall on the Sunrise Plan: ParentING & CHILDCARE CONCERNS

Thursday, July 2nd | 1:00pm-2:00pm | https://umn.zoom.us/j/98292381064?pwd=cXllelpWdWJqMzRYemhjNEExWklsZz09 | Meeting ID: 982 9238 1064 | Password: AFSCME3800

We had a lot of folks attend the initial discussion last week regarding the University's Sunrise Plans. Please join us this Thursday from 1-2pm for a continuation of that discussion, focusing on issues related specifically to parenting & childcare. 

AFSCME Presidents are meeting weekly with HR and management to address issues and problem solve since working from home. Now we are facing a new challenge: the Sunrise Plan. We know that some units have started to slowly go back to campus and that others are discussing it. We want to hear from YOU about what is going on and what concerns or issues you may have so that we can be more fully representative in these meetings with management AND work on these issues. Please plan to attend!