Rally at the Capitol for Frontline Worker Pay!
75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard, St. Paul, MN 55155 US
Join your AFSCME family and fellow union members and community allies on the steps of the Minnesota State Capitol as we stand up and fight for our frontline worker heroes who Make Minnesota Happen!
With a $9 billion budget surplus built off the backs of working people, the Legislature has a chance to provide checks up to $1,500 to more than 667,000 frontline workers in our state, as proposed by the House and Senate DFL and Governor Tim Walz. The bill has already passed the Minnesota House. HOWEVER, the Senate GOP would rather side with big corporations than fight for those who cared for us. It's time for the Senate to respect, protect, and pay our heroes who have been working on the frontlines.
On May 5th, we'll speak out on the steps of the Capitol and then deliver thousands of petitions calling for ACTION from the Senate to finally deliver Frontline Worker Pay! Join us to stand in solidarity with frontline workers and allies from faith, labor, and community groups for a rally at the Capitol at 3:30pm as we kick off the final push of the legislative session.
It's long past time to pass frontline worker pay! Stand with us!